It is
better to have a meaningful life and make a difference than to merely have a
long life. --Bryant H. McGill
Paths to a Meaningful Life
--by Philip Zimbardo,
syndicated from Greater Good, Jul 25, 2013
Seven Paths to a Meaningful Life
The following is adapted from a commencement address
Philip G. Zimbardo delivered at the University of Puget Sound earlier this
month. Dr. Zimbardo, a giant in the field of social psychology, is now a professor
at Palo Alto University, a professor emeritus at Stanford University, and the
president of the Heroic Imagination Project. In the text of
his talk below, we have embedded links to research supporting his advice to
As I now complete my 55th year of teaching psychology, I
am ever more grateful for the unique opportunity we teachers each have to learn
from and share in ......
.....the youthful exuberance of our students.
.....the youthful exuberance of our students.
Teachers who inspire their students are everyday heroes,
who should be more treasured by our society, as should parents and guardians
like you here today who have sacrificed much for the well-being and success of
your longtime students.
I wish for all of you graduates a happy life and one that
contributes to the collective good. To help you on your way, I want to lay out
seven paths to personal happiness and collective well-being based on insights
from my research on evil, heroism, time, shyness, and the power of the social
So, here are Dr. Z’s seven paths to a fulfilling life,
both personally and communally.
1. Use time wisely and well.
Time is our most precious asset, never to be wasted, and
always to be used mindfully by balancing its three energy sources:
Being well-grounded in a positive past that links you to your family, identity
and culture; being open to the power of the hedonic present that connects you to
the energy
flow of the moment; and also in being motivated to succeed to the
full extent of your ability in your hope-filled future that in turn, enables
you to soar to new destinations.
With that temporal balance comes a new flexibility in
adapting to the many situational challenges you will face. Respect and learn
from the past, yours and those of others. Selectively immerse yourself in a
present-orientation that fosters human connection and compassion, while opening you to appreciate nature and art
more fully. Use its pleasures as self-rewards for the hard-earned successes you
have won, and will achieve by being future-focused.
Finally, although there is never enough time in our fast
paced lives, we each must learn how to make time for family, make time for friends, and make time for personal fun.
2. Love a lifetime of learning.
For several decades, you have been living a rather
privileged life—one filled with the entitlement of being free from many
societal obligations in order to think, to learn, to reason, to question, and
to create. It is now time for you to more fully appreciate that gift by
continuing to be a studious student for the rest of your life. As you do so, in
Life 2.0, you will add on the commitment of making your community and your
nation better in every way that you can.
For me, my continual joy in being a somewhat ever-older
student means that I am always filled with curiosity and wonder, asking why, discovering
how, challenging ignorance, and demanding evidence for all assertions by the
“true believers.”
3. Nurture your passions.
In addition to making your usual, to-do list of tasks for
the day, try making a second private list of what it is that you really want in life each day.
Discover what you really feel passionate about and make that an essential
focus and energy source in your life.
Doing so means that passionate endeavors will become a
source of personal pride, which will help guarantee that your life will never
be “meaningless”
to you when you look back on it in the future, as too many economically
successful business people have sadly reported.
4. Transform shyness into social engagement.
Practice becoming the socially engaging host at life’s
parties instead of resigning yourself to be its perpetually reluctant shy
Just as we all have a choice of being a leader or a
follower, we each choose whether or not to adopt a shy persona, or a more
outgoing one. Shyness is a self-imposed social restriction that
limits others from having access to your inner strengths and virtues because
you have created that social barrier. My metaphor for shyness is that it is a self-imposed psychological prison, in which one
gives up freedom of association and freedom of speech—the most prized and
hard-won freedoms of any democracy. But it is our own thinking and feeling that
makes it so, not any natural law of nature.
One unexpected joy of graduation and moving on to new
venues is that no one there yet knows that you are shy, so you can start all
over and fool them into being excited to come to your parties, where you will
dance with them, like in novelist Nikos Kazantakis’ wonderful Zorba the
5. Remake your image.
It is time to trade in your familiar, comfortable habits
for personally challenging, novel adventures that can liberate you from the boredom of predictability.
From time to time, consider violating the expectations others have about what
you are expected to do, or you have come to do routinely and mindlessly.
To rise above the mundane, it is time to take more
calculated risks, to learn from your mistakes, to try harder and think wiser
the next time around. The simple solution for avoiding cognitive dissonance
when your decisions do not work as you had hoped is to practice saying, “I made a mistake. I’m sorry, forgive me, Let’s move on.”
6. Become a positive deviant.
One source of negative group power is the pervasive pressure of social norms over each of
us to not take action in emergency situations, to not get involved, to mind our
own business, to do nothing when we know we should do something.
Most of us, when we witness examples of bystander apathy, typically say, “I would have
gotten involved!” However, when we are actually caught up in the social drama
of the social situation, the majority of us cave into the social norm of being
helpless, mindless bystanders.
Time to change that. Practice being a social deviant in
small ways to experience the power others have over you. Try putting a black
dot on your face for a day. When questioned about this out of character
marking, simply say, “I just felt like doing it, no big deal.” If you can
resist the pressures friends and family and strangers will most likely impose
on you to get rid of it, you will have gained a new sense of inner power of the
one over the many.
Last, and for me most important, is path seven.
7. Train yourself to become an everyday hero.
Finally, it is time to start a new social revolution by
becoming a willing social change agent, prepared to change the world for the
better, each day in some way, by standing up, speaking out, and taking action,
to do the Right Thing when others are doing the Wrong Thing, or the No Thing.
You will make a commitment to challenge all evil in whatever forms it takes,
doing so with moral courage linked to righteous integrity.
Let the most valued private virtues of compassion and empathy
be your guiding light, but let readiness to engage in everyday heroic action be your daily goal and
your most respected civic virtue. Develop a personal code of honor that you are
willing to share with others.
Heroism can be developed, can be taught, and can be
trained, like other vital individual characteristics, such as assertiveness and
mindfulness. Heroism is acting on behalf of others in need or in defense of a
moral cause despite potential risks and costs. Thus, it requires a
socio-centric orientation rather than an egocentric one. Egocentrism, like
pessimism and cynicism, is an enemy of heroism.
You will be more likely to notice someone in need if you have developed the daily habit of opening yourself to other people by routinely noticing what others are doing and imagining what they are feeling. One way to do so each day, in some way, is by trying to make other people feel special, respected, and valued—by sharing with them justifiable complements, while acknowledging their unique individuality.
You will be more likely to notice someone in need if you have developed the daily habit of opening yourself to other people by routinely noticing what others are doing and imagining what they are feeling. One way to do so each day, in some way, is by trying to make other people feel special, respected, and valued—by sharing with them justifiable complements, while acknowledging their unique individuality.
Also remember that when people are organized into action
networks, they carry out the most effective heroism, not as solo warriors. So
learn to persuade others to share your vision of what needs fixing, by
assembling your buddies into a Hero Squad to challenge collectively the evils
of action, such as bullying, gender violence, discrimination,
corruption, fraud, slave labor and sex trafficking, while also opposing the
more pervasive evils of inaction, such as ignoring the threats of the
devastating consequences of global climate change, and the failure to remedy
the socio-economic devastation of our Native Americans by decades of non-action
or wrong actions of our government agencies.
The challenges before you are many, the opportunities
endless, all awaiting your solutions, your youthful energies, and most of all,
your glowing idealism ready to be infused into a new kind of smart and wise
social activism that can reshape our society in the next decades.
My call to action: Just Do It—But Do It Heroically.
Go forth in peace and joy and love to remake the world
for the better, bit by bit, person by person, cause by cause, and heroic action
by action.
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