Thursday, January 16, 2014

RWM - Looking Back or looking Forward? - GP Joshipura

Looking Back or looking Forward?

Rear View Mirror (RWM) is a very common thing found on Vehicles.

Thinking of its characteristics,
Through the RMW, we see the objects behind the vehicle. It provides information, which will help us to decide further & forward course and also warn about dangers. And although we do not keep looking thro it, we look at it from time to time.

These characteristics make one to ponder over Rear View Mirror in one's own life. I mean looking back to our past / history is like looking in to our own RWM.

Many aspects and phenomena in professional as well as personal parlance are comparable with RWM. Take for example - Tradition, Culture, Experience, Knowledge, Learning, Relationships,..  Also some other terms, which are so close to our day-to-day professional activities are mirrored in the concept of RWM. Examples are Knowledge management, Learning from Past, Continual Improvement, ERP, ….

If one keeps looking only at the RWM, there is a big danger of head-on collision in front. At the same time, if it is totally ignored, there is a danger of collision from other sides. This gives clue to apparent contradiction regarding 'living in' and 'knowledge of' the History / past. So while living in History may mean no progress, its ignorance may as well make us part of History soon.

Thus the key lies neither in looking back nor in looking forward. The key lies in ""Looking Back for Moving Forward"".

These were few reflections, while looking at a RWM as well as looking thro My Own RWM!
Can you see Your Own RWM?

G. P. Joshipura
(This is one of the early articles that I wrote in company magazine)  

1 comment:

jigar said...

Food for thought's...nice article sir...just one question why is rear view mirror not abbreviated as "RVM"?...